Health Cocktail #2


1/4 cup distilled or filtered water 1/2 cup freshly extracted organic carrot juice 1/2 cup freshly extracted celery juice 1 tbsp aloe vera juice 1 tbsp powdered wheat grass or barley greens, or use fr

Health Cocktail #22017-08-18T17:19:14-07:00

Blues’ Basics


Ingredients 1 pound ground beef or ground chicken (or a combination of ground meats) 3.25 ounces organic puffed rice 3.25 ounces large flake oats or oatmeal 1.25 ounces wheat germ 1 egg, with shell 1

Blues’ Basics2017-07-07T20:20:59-07:00

Carrot Flan


This recipe originated in England. The original recipe comes from Nature's Children, revised and expanded, by Juliette de Bairacli Levy (author of The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat). In

Carrot Flan2017-08-18T17:15:56-07:00

Cap Cancer


So far, nobody has been able to cap cancer, but we do know that there are certain ways of forestalling it, starting with diet.  According to the North London vet, John Carter, who has done a lot of re

Cap Cancer2017-08-18T17:14:52-07:00

Health Cocktail #1


1/4 cup distilled or filtered water 1/2 cup raw organic calves liver *or* 2 raw organic egg yolks 1 tbsp powdered dulse or kelp 1 tbsp nutritional yeast 1 tsp organic apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp groun

Health Cocktail #12017-08-18T17:14:41-07:00
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