So far, nobody has been able to cap cancer, but we do know that there are certain ways of forestalling it, starting with diet. According to the North London vet, John Carter, who has done a lot of research since his own dog died of cancer, organic vegetables and fruit together with raw liver should be high on the list. Recent research also leads us to selenium as an essential trace element needed to help ward off cancer, aging and infertility. Since the early 1970s, selenium has been added to farm animals’ feed in parts of the world where natural selenium levels are low. This includes some areas of Britain, Canada and the United States.
8 ounces (230g) raw liver, chopped
4 ounces (115g) raw organic carrot, grated
1/2 ounce (15g) Brazil nuts (richest natural source of selenium), ground
Mix all the ingredients and serve.
Resource: The Healthy Dog Book: The Natural Way to Canine Care and Cuisine; Alexandra Castedo and Jeannie Kemnitzer