In a recent issue of the “Golden Retriever News”, Rhonda Hovan, breeder/exhibitor/judge called upon every Golden Retriever Club of America member, to make a personal financial commitment to support canine health research. Below, you will find an abstract of each of the grants being carried out by the Canine Health Foundation, that address an aspect of canine cancer. Each of these studies holds great promise, not only for Golden Retrievers, but for all pure breeds, but without sustained commitment from each of us, studies like these, and studies being carried out right here, at the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College, will never achieve their full potential, of being able to provide our dogs, whether pure breed or mixed breed, with longer, healthier lives.
The Smiling Blue Skies Cancer Fund (Pet Trust: In Memory of Blues) is one way that you can help make a difference. Every donation you make to the fund, and every piece of one-of-a-kind art work that you order, helps us move one step closer to the day, we can truly laugh in the face of the cruel joke we call cancer.