Study Name: Chemotherapy and Its Effect on Adaptive Immunity
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to evaluate how the immune system is affected by chemotherapeutic agents.
Patient Entry Criteria: In general, these studies are available to qualifying patients living within 100 miles of the Animal Cancer Centre at Colorado State University. Eligible patients are canine cancer patients beginning specific chemotherapy protocols. The patient must be prescribed to begin one of the following chemotherapy protocols: Adriamycin alone; Madison-Wisconsin multi-drug protocol; or specific protocols involving carboplatin, or cisplatin. Patients may not have
received chemotherapy or steroids within two weeks of starting this study. Additionally, patients may not have concurrent disease that might prevent them from completing the study.
Owner Responsibilities: This study pays only the cost of blood tests related to the study. The client is responsible for all costs related to the treatment of the patient’s cancer, and for all costs related to complications that might arise as a result of treatment of the patient’s cancer. All blood samples related to the study must be collected at the Animal Cancer Centre.
Financial Incentives: This study pays the cost of blood tests related to the study. For more information regarding financial incentives, please contact the Consult Coordinator at 970-297-4195.